Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tillie's Two Cents

Hi All! It's me again, Tillie!  A little friend told me that the Humane Society for Hamilton County is full of cats.  Oh my!  Did you know August is Adopt a Homeless Pet Month? 

As some of you may know, I actually came from the Humane Society for Hamilton County.  I know firsthand how rough it is to not have a home, but I also know firsthand how amazing the Humane Society is.  They showed me love when I thought I was alone.  Then the kind people, who are now my family, at Noah's Caring Hands Animal Hospital decided to give me my forever home.  I get endless amounts of love and pets now!  I left a lot of friends behind at the shelter, though.  I think about them often, and I hope that someone saw them and decided to give them the home and the unconditional love that we all long for. 

Some people sometimes think that only bad animals go to the shelter, but that is not the case!  There are so many different animals there that would make amazing pets.  You'll find all sorts of different personalities of all ages!  There is a pet for everyone at the shelter. I have included a few pictures of some friends who need a home.

The Humane Society for Hamilton County is such an amazing place.  They do so much for all of the homeless pets.  They also have some pretty amazing programs, such as Pets Healing Vets, which helps rehabilitate veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Traumatic Brain Injury through the healing power of pets.  So you see, while you help us by adopting us, we can help you, too!  They also have a PAWS Program, where senior citizens can adopt pets 5 years or older at a lower adoption cost, so that they can spend their golden years together.  They do many other wonderful things, which you can check out for yourself at or follow their facebook page at

If you have any room in your heart and home, I would encourage you to check stop by the Humane Society, or any other shelter near you, and see if anyone there catches your fancy.  You may just find love at first sight!  I know how happy am to have a forever home and everyone in my home is happy to have me, too! 
I know that adoption may not be for everyone.  If you can't adopt but would still like to help a shelter out, check out their website and see what else you can do.  They appreciate any help they can get, no matter how big or small.  Noah's Caring Hands Animal Hospital also has a donation bin in the front lobby, where any items placed in there go straight to the shelter to feed or provide comfort to the pets awaiting their forever homes. 

Remember, if your pets (especially my fellow cats) have any questions, you can send them my way at

I'm Tillie and That's my Two Cents! 

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