Sentinel is Back!!
We are pleased to let you know that we now have the combination heartworm, intestinal parasite, and flea preventative Sentinel in stock! We know many of our clients have anticipated the return of this product. Each of our Noah's Hospitals now has this product for sale for your pet's heartworm, intestinal parasite and flea preventative needs.
Sentinel's sister product Interceptor, a heartworm and intestinal parasite preventative without flea prevention coverage, has been discontinued by the manufacturer Novartis. Interceptor will no longer be available. However, the price of Sentinel has decreased significantly. We hope this helps you to protect your pet from serious and life threatening parasites, especially heartworms.
The other heartworm, intestinal parasite, and flea prevetative products we currently stock will still be available for your pet! If you are happy with the current parasite preventative your pet is taking, there is no need to change.
Please remember, your pets must be current on an examination and yearly heartworm test prior to prescribing any heartworm prevetative product. These guidelines are in accordance with the American Animal Hospital Association, the American Heartworm Society, and the Companion Animal Parasite Council. As always, our first concern is protecting your pet safely and effectively.
Call your favorite Noah's hospital today to pick up Sentinel, or to schedule an appointment for your pet!